To learn more about the steps Lisa V. took to recover from PLS, watch Pam Bartha’s free training –

Diagnosed with primary lateral sclerosis, Lisa was not willing to wait for a cure. She learned early on that if she was ever going to recover, she would have to forge her own path.

Lisa prayed that God would lead her to a treatment plan that would help her to heal herself. For the past 4 years, she searched tirelessly to find a reasonable method that might lead to recovery.

Lisa believes that her prayers were answered when she discovered the Live Disease Free Academy, which was posted on an ALS Facebook group that she belonged to.

She has had TREMENDOUS improvements since starting the program: “My balance is much steadier and I have no more foot-drop or muscle twitching. I rarely feel the need to use my cane while walking outdoors and I have more energy and confidence. I can oftentimes rise from a sitting position using just my fingertips and I can walk up five steps without holding the railing, I haven’t fallen in four months, I am feeling many glimpses of what my old normal felt like. I am stronger and my speech is improving. My hands no longer clench as I lie in bed waiting to fall asleep. I sleep through the night and my bladder urgency has greatly decreased. For the first time in 4 years, I can jump – raising my feet off the floor. My legs no longer feel like they weigh a ton, my body rarely stiffens, and there are so many other improvements. However, the greatest improvement of all is that I am no longer in pain, and previously, if I was moving, I was in pain.”

“I still have a long way to go, but there is no doubt in my mind that I am on that road to the recovery that I have prayed for since my diagnosis. I wake up every morning excited to see the new improvements I might discover. God is good.”


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