Frequently Asked Questions
Live Your Best Life!

What is multiple sclerosis?
Although the cause of MS is unknown, it is believed that Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that attacks the nervous system – the brain and spinal cord. It is an unpredictable disease, disabling some people more quickly and others more slowly. Some may experience a few years of no significant progression and then suddenly the disease can become active and the progression to disability can accelerate. For most MS patients, relapsing remitting MS becomes progressive MS in time.
A nerve impulse is an electrical signal that travels along a nerve. MS attacks the myelin sheath, the fatty insulation around each nerve, that allows the nerve impulse to travel at a very high speed.
As the myelin becomes inflamed and gradually breaks down, scar tissue sets in and then the nerve can no longer efficiently carry electric signals between the brain and body. This results in impaired communication and loss of function, or disability.
inflammation and scar tissue > impaired communication > loss of function
MS can be responsible for loss of function in many parts of the body, including impairment to mobility, speech, the bladder, the brain, and sensory functions such as sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.
What causes multiple sclerosis?
Standard of care practitioners believe that the cause of MS is unknown and there is no cure. MS is an inflammatory condition treated with maintenance disease modifying drugs that suppress various parts of the immune system in the hope of managing symptoms and potentially slowing down the progression to disability.
Inflammation occurs when our tissues become injured from either an accident or from infections (parasites) and the toxins they produce. Therefore, inflammation is the war zone where our immune system is battling parasites. Common symptoms of inflammation include pain, redness, swelling and heat. When parasitic infections are treated, inflammation subsides and health is restored.
However, many current studies show that multiple sclerosis is caused by parasitic infections and that people diagnosed with MS are in a state of dysbiosis, they are out of balance. They have too many disease-causing microbes and not enough health promoting ones. A parasite is any microbe that lives in us and causes us harm. Worms, protists, fungus and bacterial infections are always present in people who suffer with MS and if they are treated effectively, the disease process will stop and recovery is possible, often more than thought possible.
CLICK HERE to review studies that show that MS is an infectious disease.
What types of infections cause Multiple Sclerosis?
For at least 30 years, a small number of forward-thinking medically trained practitioners understood that fungal overgrowth was always present in those who suffer with multiple sclerosis. Years later, Chlamydia pneumoniae and the vector-borne infections associated with Lyme disease were also identified in patients diagnosed with MS. Many studies from 1911 to 1960 reported finding the spirochete bacteria that cause Lyme disease in MS patients. More recently, Dr. Alan MacDonald discovered many filarial roundworms in the central nervous system (CNS) of all MS patients studied and later also discovered immature tapeworm larvae and developing tapeworms in the CNS of MS patients. Today, a large and ever growing body of research shows that parasitic infections are the cause of MS symptoms.
In coaching over 1000 students in their recovery from multiple sclerosis and other diseases in the Live Disease Free Academy, it has become evident that people who suffer from MS are infested with a variety of parasites. When these infections are treated effectively, the disease goes into remission and the student enjoys life-changing symptom improvement – more than they thought possible. In many cases they experience complete recovery, especially when treated in the early stages of disease.
Is there a cure for Multiple Sclerosis?
According to the standard of care for multiple sclerosis, there is no cure.
But, as more of us recover from MS, we are proving this statement to be incorrect.
When the infections that cause the neurological symptoms associated with MS are treated effectively, the disease process stops and the MS sufferer will experience a lot of recovery, possibly even full recovery. The sooner the infections are treated, the greater the recovery and the easier it is to treat these infections.
What triggers an MS attack?
Multiple sclerosis is caused by an infestation of parasites – worms, protists, fungi and pathogenic bacteria in the body. This invasion causes significant inflammation and immune dysfunction.
When the immune system is compromised, environmental factors such as (but not limited to) high stress, sleep deprivation, other infections, the frequent use of antibiotics, environmental toxins, exposure to wireless radiation and/or mold in the home or working environment, all further weaken the immune system and cause the infections to be more active – consequently triggering an MS attack.
Are MS drugs safe?
It is important to consult with your practitioner before making any changes to your medications.
Current MS drugs attempt to modify the immune response in a person who suffers with MS. These drugs usually suppress the immune system. One drug will trap lymphocytes in lymph nodes. Other drugs prevent immune cells from entering the central nervous system, while others destroy specific immune cells.
All these treatments leave the MS patient more vulnerable to additional infections and diseases (including cancer) in the future.
How can diet help manage MS symptoms?
The Live Disease Free diet nourishes the body while reducing the food to the infections that cause MS. Following this eating plan is vital for recovery, as it causes the infections to be less active, so that inflammation decreases and symptoms improve. This supports immune modulation.
Treating the infections that cause MS is challenging. Therefore, it is important to follow the Live Disease Free diet with excellence, so that the infections are easier to treat. This will greatly increase the success of the treatment.
The Live Disease Free eating plan sets the foundation for recovery, and while many students see immediate improvements in their health from simply changing their diets – diet alone is not enough to stop MS. The parasitic infections must also be treated.
What are the early signs of MS?
Common early signs of multiple sclerosis include fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, poor digestion, vision impairment (blindness, double vision), tingling, numbness, weakness in legs or arms, pain, dizziness, muscle spasms, poor balance and bladder issues.
It’s so important to pay attention to the early warning signs. The earlier the infections are treated, the quicker the recovery. Early intervention often results in full recovery.
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Contact Pam here.