Multiple Sclerosis

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“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

Why Pam Believes that Parasites Cause MS

After decades of research and millions of dollars to fund it, not much is changed in terms of how we diagnose and treat multiple sclerosis. We still don’t know what causes MS and there is no cure. It is generally speculated that in MS patients, the immune system attacks nerve tissue for some unknown reason.

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Ever been told, “It’s all in your head?”

Many find themselves in a dilemma when they suffer from serious symptoms and seek medical advice for a diagnosis only to be told that they have a psychological condition and they’re pretending to be ill or deliberately making up symptoms to gain attention. This is the unfortunate reality for many seeking help from our current

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Parasites Cause Cancer

This post discusses evidence which supports that cancer is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic infestation and how many parasite drugs are being repurposed as promising anti-cancer drugs. There’s been a significant increase in cancer diagnosis and cancer mortality recently, especially in young adults. This trend is expected to continue to rise. [i] [ii]

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Boron’s Health Benefits and Antimicrobial Properties

In this video, Pam Bartha shares research about the antiparasitic, antimalarial, antifungal and antibacterial properties of the mineral boron and its safety. She also shares updates from Wellness Champions who are recovering from chronic disease by treating parasitic infestations. Boron is a mineral that is naturally found in our soil, water and food. Factory farming

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Roundworms Discovered in the Spinal Fluid of MS Subjects

This post discusses the discovery of small roundworms in the spinal fluid of every multiple sclerosis subject tested, how these worms are passed from animals to humans and the symptoms they cause. It also shares a few current successes of Wellness Champions who are getting ready to treat or are treating parasites in their recovery

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Parasite Induced High MDA Linked to MS Disability

High levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) are present in the blood of MS patients. MDA is the most common biomarker for oxidative stress in diseases like cancer, mental health disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cardiovascular disease[i], MS and others. It is also linked with disability in MS. This post discusses how parasites cause oxidative stress

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High Lactate in MS Linked to Disease Progression

High levels of lactate in the blood and spinal fluid of MS patients are linked to disease progression and disability, but are also more proof that MS is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic infestation.     What is lactate? Lactate or lactic acid is an acid produced by the body when carbohydrates are broken

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The Best Parasite Cleanse Diet

Diet plays an important role in our health, but is diet important when treating parasites? And if it is, what diet should we follow? This post reveals the best diet to follow when cleansing the body of parasites that cause chronic disease. It also explains diet guidelines, lots of meal ideas, why this is the

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Parasites Cause Heat Sensitivity in MS

You may wonder, “Why am I so sensitive to heat? Why does the heat bother me so much? I don’t feel good in the heat. When it’s hot, all I can do is stay close to an air conditioner.” These complaints are shared by many who suffer from MS and other diseases. Parasitic infections can

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Parasite Q&A March 2024

Video time stamps: 2:11 min – 2 current Wellness Champion successes in recovering from MS. 4:44 min – How to use garlic when treating parasites. 16:20 min – Homeopathy in treating parasites. 17:19 min – Which parasites cause MS? 19:22 min – The important steps to follow when treating parasites. 21:10 min – How to

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in MS – Part 6

In this video, Pam Bartha discusses how chronic malarial infections are diagnosed and treated. There are at least five types of plasmodium single celled parasites that can cause malaria in humans. They infect red blood cells (RBCs) and cause a highly inflammatory disease in the body. Some types cause life-threatening illness while others cause less

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Malaria Drugs Help in Recovery from MS. Part 5

This post discusses compelling research and case studies that reveal how malaria drugs significantly help MS patients.   Last week’s post reviewed evidence about the many similarities between MS and malaria. In 1917, Castellani wrote that he observed four cases of malaria that closely resembled disseminated sclerosis which is the same type of condition as

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The Link Between Multiple Sclerosis and Malaria Part 4

This post discusses how MS has been linked to malaria for over 100 years and why malaria may be one of the main infections that causes multiple sclerosis. This is part 4 of our MS and malaria series.   A large and ever-growing body of research confirms that MS is an infectious disease caused by

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[MS News] Vitamin D Did Not Reduce MS Activity

Vitamin D deficiency has long been considered a risk factor for developing multiple sclerosis, but new research shows that supplementing with vitamin D at different doses does not reduce MS activity after the first MS attack. Since the 1970’s, many observational studies have suggested that vitamin D could be an important factor in MS. This

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Can I Get Parasites From My Pet?

This post discusses the 4 most common parasitic worms we can get from our pets, the symptoms they cause and the best ways to treat these worms in our pets and ourselves. According to the CDC, worms that infect pets can also infect people [i][ii] and by regularly treating parasites in our pets, we can

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Praziquantel Treats Flukes, Tapeworms & Large Roundworms

This post discusses the important parasite drug praziquantel, the types of parasites it treats, recommended doses, its safety and effectiveness. The following information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the necessary measures of your healthcare professional. It is not intended to cure, treat, or mitigate any health condition or disease.

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A Causal Link Between Gut Microbes and Neurological Disease

This post reviews a new study that reveals a large body of evidence confirming a causal link between gut microbes and the onset and progression of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS and Huntington’s disease via the microbiota gut-brain axis. Microbes in the human G.I. tract have been linked with many chronic diseases including

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Live Disease Free Parasite Q&A

Pam Bartha answers your questions about parasites and how to recover from them. In the following video, she also shares amazing successes from Wellness Champions who are recovering from parasites that cause chronic disease.     What is a parasite? A parasite is any microbe that lives in our body and causes us harm. Parasites

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Author Pam Bartha

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