The following fascinating short videos show the presence of small filarial roundworms in the blood, breast and scrotum of patients. We normally think that worms only infect the GI tract. Yet, there are many different species of small roundworms that can infect the blood, eyes, central nervous system, lymphatic system and many other parts of the body. Doctors do not have microscopes in their office and do not examine the blood or other body fluids of their patients, thus these and other parasites go undetected and we never get well. Instead, we are prescribed medications in hopes of managing our symptoms and experience a continual decline in our health.

Filarial Worms Dance  in Breast Tissue

Filarial Worms Dance in the Scrotum

There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections


Video courtesy of Leonard Carter, Director of

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