Live Disease Free

Live Your Best Life!

“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

The Best Diet for MS

The Live Disease Free diet is the best diet to follow when recovering from multiple sclerosis or any other chronic disease. The biggest cause of all disease is parasitic infections in the body. The sicker we are, the more infested we are with parasites. Parasites are microbes that live in the body and cause harm.

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Plan for a Healthy Holiday

Plan for a healthy holiday season with Pam Bartha. Enjoy delicious food without sacrificing your health. Pam also shares some miraculous successes from our Wellness Champions. We hope you have a very special Christmas holiday season with your loved ones. We love you and it’s been an honour to serve you. Your health is very

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part V: MS and Intestinal Flukes

Intestinal flukes are large, flat parasitic worms that live in the small intestine and can cause digestive issues, anemia, toxemia, edema, allergic reactions, neurological symptoms, and other signs of inflammation. Flukes are oval or elongated trematode parasitic flatworms that infect humans and domestic animals. Different species of flukes infect various parts of the body: Blood

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The Link Between MS and Liver Disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can stress the liver for several reasons. If you or someone you care about has MS, it is essential to understand why this happens and the necessary steps to heal the liver while recovering from disease.   What is the link Between MS and Liver Disease? MS patients can experience elevated liver

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part 3: Filarial Worms in MS

Pathologist Dr. Alan MacDonald discovered many filarial worms in the spinal fluid of 100% of the MS subjects he examined. It has been understood for over 100 years that when these parasitic worms infect the central nervous systems of domestic animals, they exhibit many of the same neurological symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis and other

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Melatonin – a Possible Treatment for MS

Research shows that supplementing with melatonin promotes a restful sleep and immune modulation, improves balance and muscle strength and lessens pain and fatigue in MS. These significant symptom improvements are why melatonin is being considered a promising new treatment for multiple sclerosis.   Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone and an antioxidant that is produced in

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MS is an Infectious Disease Part 2: MS and Lyme Disease

Since the early 1900s, various researchers have reported spirochete bacteria similar to Borrelia (which causes Lyme disease), in the central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients, but not in healthy people. Neurosyphilis, a sister infection to Lyme disease, causes many of the same neurological symptoms found in multiple sclerosis. This together with more recent evidence

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Living MS Free for 35 Years

By the grace of God and a great deal of work on my part, I have lived MS free for over 35 years now. In this post, I will share my journey, the steps I took to recover and what my life is like today. My incredible journey began in 1988 when I was diagnosed

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The Great Health Care Deception

In the 1950s, our standard of health care moved away from the belief that infections cause disease and instead towards the theory of autoimmunity, in which the immune system attacks tissue for some unknown reason. This shift has prevented us from curing disease. For decades, it’s been understood that the immune system defends the body

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Potassium Deficiency and MS

MS is an infectious disease. Certain parasites linked to MS can cause a potassium deficiency, which in turn can lead to muscle weakness, cramping, tremors, abnormal heartbeat rhythms and many other symptoms. Correcting potassium and other mineral and electrolyte deficiencies caused by parasite infections can improve symptoms and support recovery from multiple sclerosis.   MS

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The Best MS Diet

The Live Disease Free diet is the best diet to follow when recovering from multiple sclerosis or any other chronic disease. The biggest cause of all disease is parasitic infections in the body. The sicker we are, the more infested we are with parasites. Parasites are microbes that live in the body and cause harm.

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Is MS a Vascular Disease?

A large and ever-growing body of research shows that significant blood vessel abnormalities in multiple sclerosis patients play an important role in causing MS. The autoimmune theory of MS has been widely accepted but never proven. In fact, according to MS experts an auto-antigen has never been identified. Auto-antigens are markers on cells in the

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Stool Analysis May Predict MS Progression

New multiple sclerosis research may help predict the progression of MS based on the increased presence of a substance in the stool of MS patients. Doctors analyze stool to detect parasites and colorectal cancer. It is understood that the gut microbiome is abnormal in those with MS and other diseases and that this disruption can

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Why Pam Believes that Parasites Cause MS

After decades of research and millions of dollars to fund it, not much is changed in terms of how we diagnose and treat multiple sclerosis. We still don’t know what causes MS and there is no cure. It is generally speculated that in MS patients, the immune system attacks nerve tissue for some unknown reason.

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Are Parasites the Cause of My Disease?

Since parasites cause disease, it is very important to be aware of common parasite symptoms so that these infections can be treated early, before disease develops. This will prevent enormous suffering, premature death and save hundreds of billions of dollars in healthcare. Parasites can cause virtually any symptom in the body and can impact our

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Ever been told, “It’s all in your head?”

Many find themselves in a dilemma when they suffer from serious symptoms and seek medical advice for a diagnosis only to be told that they have a psychological condition and they’re pretending to be ill or deliberately making up symptoms to gain attention. This is the unfortunate reality for many seeking help from our current

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Parasites Cause Cancer

This post discusses evidence which supports that cancer is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic infestation and how many parasite drugs are being repurposed as promising anti-cancer drugs. There’s been a significant increase in cancer diagnosis and cancer mortality recently, especially in young adults. This trend is expected to continue to rise. [i] [ii]

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Boron’s Health Benefits and Antimicrobial Properties

In this video, Pam Bartha shares research about the antiparasitic, antimalarial, antifungal and antibacterial properties of the mineral boron and its safety. She also shares updates from Wellness Champions who are recovering from chronic disease by treating parasitic infestations. Boron is a mineral that is naturally found in our soil, water and food. Factory farming

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Author Pam Bartha

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