This post shares the life-changing journey of a Wellness Champion recovering from Crohn’s disease, arthritis, chronic pain, tachycardia, fibromyalgia-like symptoms, severe inflammation, brain fog, impaired cognitive function, fatty liver disease and much more. She tried everything to get well, worked with 9 different doctors and spent thousands of dollars on her health with zero relief or success. She finally found the Live Disease Free plan and focused on treating parasites while following a holistic approach. Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous.
She is a true hero. Her diligence has not only allowed her to get her health and life back, but also serves to enlighten and inspire practitioners and others who suffer from disease. Her journey and successes give others real hope that they too can recover from seemingly incurable diseases if they treat the parasites that cause them.
The Wellness Champion student is a 68 year old retired dentist living in the USA.
Health history: arthritis, Crohn’s disease, diplopia, fatty liver disease, tachycardia, decline in cognitive function, chronic pain, chronic low-grade fever.
Symptoms: constipation, fatigue, foggy head, poor memory, pain, poor balance, numbness, weakness in legs, vision impacted, mobility affected, cramps in hands and feet.
She used a cane and a walker.
Her Journey
As a child she suffered with bouts of strep throat and tonsillitis.
Over the years her tonsils, adenoids, appendix and gallbladder were removed.
A few years ago, she had bilateral hip surgery that had a poor outcome. She then she developed osteomyelitis. This was followed by four additional surgeries and months of antibiotics in an attempt to get rid infection from her body.
While living in a mouldy home, she developed asthma and diplopia and thus, could no longer drive.
She was then prescribed a high dose of prednisone and when she came off this steroid, her health really went downhill.
She sought the advice of 9 medical doctors and invested $27,000 in treatments. These doctors were not able to help at all!
She used a cane for years and then a walker for the last 1 ½ years.
She rated her pain level at 10/10. Everything hurt! Her knees, arms, hands, neck, legs and every large joint hurt. She laid in bed most days and was not able to do anything. Her husband did everything for her.
A liver scan showed that she had fatty liver disease.
Her doctor gave her hand braces for the painful arthritis in her hands.
She started to experience a significant decline in her cognitive function (poor memory).
Last Christmas, her heart was racing over 160 beats per minute and her health was so poor that she didn’t know if she would make it through the holidays.
This year, her doctor surgically removed large sinus retention cysts.
She discovered a doctor online who believed that parasites were the cause of disease. This doctor recommended parasite drugs to treat the parasites.
She tried one of the parasite drugs that the doctor recommended and noticed, for the first time, that she had a noticeable decline in her pain. This increased her suspicion that parasites could be the cause of her poor health.
She searched online how to treat parasites and found the Live Disease Free plan.
She joined the Live Disease Free Academy in early May 2023.
Her starting point: “I am in a lot of pain. I can barely walk. My legs are in so much pain, it’s crazy how much it hurts.”
She had many symptoms of chronic fungal infections, the vector born infections associated with Lyme disease and many symptoms of parasitic worms.
She started the prep phase of the Live Disease Free plan, which includes the Live Disease Free diet to make the parasites less active, and the Checklist for Healing to support the body.
May 20 Update
Her physician was on board and was willing to support her in treating parasites. She tested well for and was prescribed the parasite drugs albendazole, ivermectin and Alinea for 21 days.
“I have completed the prep phase and have started treating. I am doing better; each week is a little better. I was wearing a hand brace because of shooting pains in my hands. I haven’t worn the brace in a week. My legs and feet still have a lot of pain and I am still finding it difficult to walk, but I know I am getting better.
I have passed several parasites. The larger parasite was about 5mm in diameter and 1 1/2″ – 2″ long.”
June 6 Update
In early June, she started passing very long worms. She passed several worms that were 15 – 20” long.
June 11 Update
“Today on June 11th, 2023, with joy I can tell you that I no longer use my walker. I have good strength in my arms. I rarely use my cane. My shoulders do not hurt. My legs no longer ache. My large joints and muscles are feeling much better. I know soon I will be able to start gaining my strength back and start to exercise again. Today is our anniversary. We went for a boat ride today and we haven’t done that in over a year, maybe two! It was so much fun! It was the most perfect day. Thank you for giving me my life back! Pam, thank you so very much! I have prayed and prayed with my husband! And our prayers are being answered!”
June 18 Update
She started chlorine dioxide (CD) enemas and drinking CD water.
“Good news! I am even feeling BETTER than last week! I have that fire in my belly when I wake up and get to start my day! I don’t remember how long it’s been since I have felt that! You are right, I am beginning to feel like I did 20 years ago!!! Pam, I love you for giving me a second chance at life! I feel so good, I am so excited about life again!!! Praise God and thank you so much for your help!”
June 19 Update
“I woke up to several of the same pains coming back. My last set of parasite meds was on June 15. This is the same pain that had had decreased by 99%.
After stopping the parasite medications, the next two days I still passed many large parasites.
June 24 Update
Her next treatment cycle included the following parasite drugs that she tested well for: Metronidazole, Iodoquinol, albendazole, ivermectin, Alinea, and Praziquantel.
“I am feeling so good, and more incredibly, I have that internal fire in my belly! You know when you wake up and cannot WAIT to tackle your day! Pam, I cannot remember when I last had that! Now, I feel that energy and excitement about life, EVERY SINGLE DAY! I scrubbed my oven yesterday. I have never done that! Praise God, praise Jesus, and thank you for your help Pam. I love life again; I love life so much. It is FUN again!”
June 27 Update – Social Media post
“I agree 100% that the Live Disease Free diet has helped me enormously! I also treat myself along with my physician and also with Pam Bartha’s guidance. I was not only found to have parasites, but I also have mycotoxins in my body.
There is no amount of money I wouldn’t have paid to get the results I have received so far working with Pam Bartha!
I am a medical professional. I am a licensed dentist in the state of Texas! I can assure you that we were NOT taught this information in dental school.
I had seen nine medical doctors over two years and my health continued to decline. I was unable to walk without a walker and I was seeing double. These doctors were not taught this information in medical school.
Two months after working with Pam Bartha, my walker is in the closet, my vision is normal and I am able to drive! I am gaining my strength back after being in bed for most of the last two years!
If you want your life back, join the Live Disease Free group, become a student, I promise you will never regret it.”
July Update
“I am in the process of moving. I am in disbelief that I can do all I am doing after the last year, when I was unable to barely move.
We watched our Grandchildren two days in a row, this was the first time in four years. I went from being in bed most of the day, to a functional adult again, this feels like a miracle! Our youngest grandson is four years old. This is the first time we watched him ever!
We watched all three grandchildren from 7:15 am until 5pm! We swam in the pool, worked puzzles, colored and I was a ‘short order cook’ again! It brought us such joy to be able to do this, and to be able to help our adult children!”
August 15 Update
“I am on my third treatment of anti-parasitics. The pain in my neck has improved even more. Neck pain was some of the most painful aspects of these parasites for me, and it is going away! It was about 50% better a month ago and today it is about 80% better, maybe more! This is extremely encouraging. I am also happy to share that my recent liver scan came back 100% clean! Last June, 2022, the scan was registering at 395, and the limit only went to 400, the higher the number the worse it was! I had seen the doctor, and he told me that no one ever heals their liver that quickly. He said, “So do not expect it to be healed yet!”
I told him, “I am expecting it to be healed!” I was right and he was wrong! They called my today to say my liver scan score was zero for fatty liver disease!”
September Update
I listen to your recordings day and night. I am also reading and learning as much as I can. I just completed my fourth treatment and I am feeling well. I am in disbelief that I can do all I am doing now after the past year when I was unable to barely move. I made supper for 10 adults and three grandchildren two nights ago. I couldn’t even cook for two before I met you.”
October Update
“I am on my fifth treatment cycle of albendazole, ivermectin, nitazoxanide, praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate. I passed a small cluster of worms on day 3. That was great. I can always tell when I feel a parasite now. The Live Disease Free diet has been so helpful to me. I am at a much better body weight that I have been at for years! I am eating highly nutritious greens, sprouts, arugula, asparagus, cauliflower, and okra! I can’t imagine NOT continuing to eat this way, I feel so much better. I am not even tempted a little!”
Recovering from Crohn’s, Arthritis, Chronic Pain & More by Treating Parasites Short Testimony
Recovering from Crohn’s, Arthritis, Chronic Pain & More by Treating Parasites Full Testimony
There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!
To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.
If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.
CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training
Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections

Clinically diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 28, Pam chose an alternative approach to recovery. Now decades later and still symptom free, she coaches others on how to treat the root cause of chronic disease, using a holistic approach. She can teach you how, too.
Pam is the author of Become a Wellness Champion and founder of Live Disease Free. She is a wellness expert, coach and speaker.
The Live Disease Free Academy has helped hundreds of Wellness Champions in over 15 countries take charge of their health and experience profound improvements in their life.