Since parasites cause disease, it is very important to be aware of common parasite symptoms so that these infections can be treated early, before disease develops. This will prevent enormous suffering, premature death and save hundreds of billions of dollars in healthcare.

Parasites can cause virtually any symptom in the body and can impact our physical, mental and emotional health. Digestive symptoms, brain fog, depression, allergies, itchiness, anemia, muscular and joint pain, and not feeling satisfied after eating a meal are some common symptoms of a parasitic infection.

A parasite is any microbe that lives inside us and causes us harm. Pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa and worms are the main categories of parasites that can live in the body. They produce toxins and make us deficient in vitamins and minerals. They also cause inflammation as our immune system tries to eradicate them.

Examples of parasites include:

  • Roundworms
  • Pinworms
  • Whipworms
  • Hookworms
  • Filarial Worms
  • Tapeworms
  • Flukes
  • Giardia
  • Malaria
  • Lyme infections – Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, Elicia, and others
  • Clostridia
  • Fungi – yeasts like Candida and others, mold
  • Bedbugs
  • Scabies
  • Lice

Most people are not aware that parasites and the toxins they produce are the main cause of the symptoms and the disease they suffer from.

Common Symptoms of Parasites

1. Digestive Problems

The first signs of a parasitic infection usually involve digestion and begin with gas, bloating, constipation and / or diarrhea and possibly nausea.

Intestinal parasites establish themselves in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the symptoms we experience are caused by our immune system fighting the parasites and / or the poisons they produce.

As parasites feed on carbohydrates through the process of fermentation, an uncomfortable buildup of gas in the GI tract can cause a distended belly.

Parasitic infections often cause deficiencies in iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D and others as they feed on our nutrition.

As they become more populated in the G.I. tract, inflammation and symptoms of inflammation increase, which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

2. Fatigue / Exhaustion

Parasites and the toxins they produce can cause a reduction in energy production, loss of blood, and taxes the immune system, liver and other parts of the body. This leaves us feeling exhausted, even after sleeping eight hours at night.

3. Impaired brain function

Brain fog, poor memory, lack of motivation, depression and anxiety are common symptoms of parasites. Mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia are also linked to parasites.

4. Anemia

Some parasites feed on red blood cells or cause loss of blood resulting in iron deficiency or anemia.

5. Insomnia

Parasites are more active at night and cause insomnia where we either have a hard time falling asleep or wake up several times during the night, especially around 3 AM in the morning.

6. Bladder Issues

Parasitic infections cause bladder urgency and frequent urinary tract infections.

7. Symptoms Worsen During a Full Moon

Many people report that their disease symptoms are worse during a full moon when parasites are more active.

8. Pain

In disease, joint, muscle, back and / or neuropathy are common symptoms of inflammation. This inflammation is caused by the immune system fighting the parasitic infections.

9. Grinding Teeth

Grinding teeth during the night is a common symptom of parasites.

10. Skin Irritations and Other Skin Conditions

Rashes, hives, itchiness, allergies, histamine intolerance, food sensitivities are common symptoms of parasites. Rosacea and eczema are also signs of intestinal parasites.

Intestinal parasites can stimulate the production antibodies by the immune system, which can lead to allergic reactions in the body, including skin problems.

Wellness Champion Updates for June 11th

Student #1.

“I have a much more positive outlook on completing things as I am starting to get my energy back. Before I started the Live Disease Free diet, I only would have energy from 9 am until 2-3pm everyday and after that I … was toast mentally and physically. That has been going away and now I consistently sleep well and I am up early.

The amount of work on my plate would be impossible for me to do if I wasn’t starting to have energy again. I have also become much better at precooking lots of my favorite foods which helps my energy and schedule immensely.

I now feel up to the enormous challenge because of my improved energy. I am also feeling closer to being ready to treat.”

Student #2.

“I am treating and passed eight worms of various sizes. The largest one that I could recover was about 6 inches long. There was a couple that were thicker, like flukes. One was longer, but it just fell apart. This happened with a bowel movement on Sunday.

After passing these worms, I felt relief and depression lift. During the week, I passed a fluke, while doing an oxygen enema. I feel like the parasite medications are helpful for me. I felt more social this week after the depression lifted. I continue to run for 20 minutes about five times a week. The parasite drugs are also helping my cramps.

The circulation in my legs has improved. I can feel it while I ran after that passage of eight worms. I felt that that took a load off. Going for a run … I can feel it.

I can also feel it during the day where my legs feel better. There is better circulation.

I also feel that because my circulation has improved. I have more stamina while running.

I don’t think it’s because of repetitive running so much as it is less of a parasitic load.”

Student #3.

“I am feeling a little better this week. My walking and the clarity in my head are better at times.”

Student #4.

“Before I started the Live Disease Free program, I had night sweats, I was really sensitive to the heat and I had some numbness in my feet and hands and parts of my lips. I also had vision problems, and my heart rate was faster than normal. I also had what felt like slight shakiness or tremors in my body.

After starting the Live Disease Free diet, the numbness and the vision problems went away, and most of the heat sensitivity went away.”

Student #5.

“The neuropathy has ceased but I am still experiencing some mild muscle twitching and spasticity in my calves. The Live Disease Free diet is going very well and I have lots of energy! I am having daily bowel movements and consistently getting 8 hours of sleep each night.

I am ready to start treating.”

Student #6.

“I reached out to you in February of this year because I thought I was going to die. I was collapsing without notice. I would awaken from a restful sleep with heart palpitations, sweating and dizziness. I had a complete cardiac work up and my heart was healthy so why was I having these cardiac events?

After reading your book and Ann Boroch’s book, I realized that I was suffering from silent infections such as parasites and a Candida overgrowth and these episodes were not going to go away on their own.

I was numb from the neck down. I couldn’t feel my lungs expanding with each breath so I felt as though I was suffocating. My hands felt like they were on fire, and I had sensitivity to water, it felt as though the water was boiling hot when it was not, so showering was very painful.

Fast forward to my third round of treatment, I now have almost ZERO symptoms!! I have a slight tingling in my hands – zero electric shock down my spine, I am working out again, and applying for nursing jobs.”

Student #7.

“Sending a quick update. I’m continuing to do well. It’s been a good month! I still have palpitations but they are less-often and less-severe and I have not had them in the middle of the night for a few weeks now. The tinnitus seems to be decreasing now too.”

Student #8

“I have been strictly following the eating plan and preparation and I had significant improvement in my mobility, balance and disease symptoms. I think I am ready to treat.”


It’s very strange that many large medical centres acknowledge these common parasite symptoms, yet when we report these very symptoms to our doctor and ask if they could be caused by parasites, they will usually state that we can’t have parasites unless we’ve travelled to an underdeveloped country. We may request a stool test, but our test result most often comes back normal. Current parasite tests will only identify about 10% of the parasites that we are infected with.

If our general practitioners understood these common symptoms of parasites and had the skill to treat these infections early on, the vast majority of people would not develop chronic disease. This would be very disruptive to the multitrillion dollar medical complex, but it would be an honest and effective approach for the people. We would have a healthcare system that strives to cure disease, instead of managing sickness. Change will only come when enough people demand it.


There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections





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