Mental Decline and Leaky Gut Syndrome Linked to Elevated A.G.E.s

AGE’s (proteins that are bound to sugar when blood sugar is elevated) have been found to damage important connections in the gut wall, allowing troublesome molecules to pass into the blood stream that would normally be kept out. This weakening of the gut lining or “leaky gut” leads to such symptoms as bloating, cramping, gas, food sensitivities, aches and pains. Left unchecked, leaky gut can lead to inflammation in the body and ultimately, disease.

In Dr. David Perlmutter’s video, “AGEs and Leaky Gut: Minimize AGEs and Avoid Cognitive Decline” he talks about how elevated AGE’s can lead to accelerated brain degeneration and why it is so important to focus on a diet that keeps your blood sugar in check.

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