However, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “To date, researchers have not been able to identify a single virus as the trigger for MS.”
Could viruses be involved in multiple sclerosis? Absolutely.
Are they a main cause or the biggest cause of MS?
From my personal experience of recovering from MS and in working with hundreds of people who suffer with MS, I believe it is unlikely that viruses are the main cause.
I created a video to share many other reasons why I don’t believe that viruses are the main cause of MS.
Today it is understood that our central nervous system is not a sterile environment. The central nervous system houses its own ecosystem of bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
It is true that people who suffer with chronic illness have compromised immune systems which makes them more susceptible a variety of infectious microbes, including a variety of viruses.
It’s also true that about 92% of the general population tests positive for EBV, and if this is the case shouldn’t we see a higher number of cases of MS?
To learn more about my story of living MS-free for 28 years, and how to treat the true cause of MS watch my free masterclass, How to Recover from MS Naturally.
For more videos from Pam, subscribe to the Live Disease Free YouTube channel.

Clinically diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 28, Pam chose an alternative approach to recovery. Now decades later and still symptom free, she coaches others on how to treat the root cause of chronic disease, using a holistic approach. She can teach you how, too.
Pam is the author of Become a Wellness Champion and founder of Live Disease Free. She is a wellness expert, coach and speaker.
The Live Disease Free Academy has helped hundreds of Wellness Champions in over 15 countries take charge of their health and experience profound improvements in their life.