An MS diagnosis is difficult enough, yet research has revealed that people diagnosed with MS are at a higher risk to also suffer from a wide range of other diseases, which greatly impact quality of life and can lead to premature death. Are these other diseases just the consequence of multiple sclerosis or the result of MS treatments? In this post, Pam Bartha discusses the most common diseases associated with MS, how to prevent or reverse them and shares a proven plan to recover from MS.

I was diagnosed with MS 35 years ago. I had always been healthy, slim and active before my diagnosis at the age of 28. I was really shocked to receive the MS diagnosis after a severe case of optic neuritis. I also suddenly suffered from weakness and tingling in my legs, severe headaches and debilitating fatigue. I was quickly referred to a neurologist at the UBC Hospital MS Clinic who diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis and stated that they didn’t know what caused MS and that there was no cure. He also warned me that people would tell me about all kinds of snake oil cures, but he assured me that I would become completely disabled in time and there was nothing I could do to change the course of life.

By the grace of God, I learned early after my diagnosis that infections were involved with MS through the work of four medical doctors who believed that MS and other diseases were caused by infections. These forward thinking hero doctors focussed on treating Candida. Their insights gave me hope that maybe there was something I could do to change the course of my life. After I read their books, I decided to take a different path for treating multiple sclerosis. I decided not to follow standard of care which gave me no hope for a cure. Over the years, I have worked with many integrative practitioners and have tried many therapies and supplements. Treating parasites effectively while following a holistic approach has been the key to my success in living MS free for 35 years.

Years after my MS diagnosis, I had a follow up appointment with a local neurologist and wanted to share what I was doing and the success that I had. He was not interested and told me that there was absolutely no connection between the gut and the central nervous system. He stated that MS goes into remission sometimes and they didn’t know why. The sad reality is that today many neurologists still hold these same beliefs.

Yet for many years, it has been known that the brain communicates with the gut and this brain-gut connection actually goes both ways.[i]

To learn more about the gut-brain axis CLICK HERE.

Over the past 10 years, we have coached hundreds of students in over 15 countries in the Live Disease Free Plan. For years, I have reported that when I interview people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis who have used the MS disease modifying drugs for several years, they often share that they suffer from an additional 2 – 5 diseases.

Our new students diagnosed with MS often suffer from depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and cholesterol issues and more serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel, arthritis, epilepsy and variety of autoimmune diseases.

The 2020 study entitled, “A global view of comorbidity in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review with a focus on regional differences, methodology, and clinical implications,” confirmed our observations.

This research team concluded that multiple sclerosis is associated with many other diseases like heart disease, psychiatric and neurologic disturbances, restless leg syndrome, migraine, certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, and metabolic disorders like diabetes. These diseases affect many body systems and impact quality of life, can cause long-term disability and can increase the risk of relapse and disease progression.[ii]

Here are some of their key findings:[iii]

  • Depression, anxiety, heart disease, epilepsy, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases are the most common diseases that coexist with MS patients
  • Abnormalities in blood pressure, heart rate, heart rhythm, and left ventricular systolic function are common in MS patients and have been reported as the second or third most common cause of death in MS patients
  • Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are more common in MS patients than in the general population, are associated with fatigue, rapid disease progression and reduced quality of life
  • Restless leg syndrome can severely disturb sleep and quality of life in MS patients and is more frequent in MS patients than in the general population
  • Epilepsy is more prevalent in MS patients compared with the general population
  • Migraine, fibromyalgia, eye disease, taste and smell dysfunction are also more common MS patients than the general population
  • Migraines are also highly prevalent in MS patients compared with the general population
  • Cancer rates in people diagnosed with MS are higher than the general population and a positive relationship was found for several types of cancer, such as meningiomas and urinary system cancers and MS
  • Studies investigating the use of MS treatments or Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) compared MS patients using DMTs with MS patients that did not take DMTs. The results suggest that cancer risk may be increased in patients using DMTs
  • The elevated incidence of type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and insulin resistance may worsen disease in MS patients.

Their research confirms that multiple sclerosis is not solely a neurological disease where the immune system attacks nerve tissue. Most people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will also suffer from a wide range of additional diseases, if they solely follow standard of care. These additional diseases will require additional drugs with additional adverse effects.

I have heard several doctors state that if multiple sclerosis is caused by a parasitic infestation, then prescribing immunosuppressive DMT MS treatments would lead to a terrible outcome. The parasitic infestation already greatly burdens the immune system. Further suppressing the immune system with immunosuppressive drugs provides a perfect opportunity for other parasites to become established more quickly. I personally believe that this is why we are seeing such a large range of diseases that coexist with multiple sclerosis.

The first step to greatly improve energy, depression, anxiety, a foggy head, bladder issues, high blood pressure and cholesterol issues is to follow the low carb Live Disease Free diet. Parasites thrive on processed carbohydrates and sugars and as they are decreased significantly, the parasites become less active, inflammation decreases and students enjoy many symptom improvements.

CLICK HERE to review the Live Disease Free Guidelines.

In order to recover from multiple sclerosis and all other diseases, it is essential to treat the parasitic infestation effectively while following a holistic approach.

Many students who have followed the Live Disease Free plan have recovered from multiple sclerosis, but also many other diseases. You’ll find their successes on our website and on the Live Disease Free YouTube channel.

To learn more about the steps in the Live Disease Free Plan Watch my Masterclass Training HERE.

There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections






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Author Pam Bartha

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