Common Eczema and Athlete’s Foot Medications May Help Fight Multiple Sclerosis recently published an fascinating study on how common eczema and athlete’s foot medications might help those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.

Researchers treated mice with antifingals (miconazole) and a corticosteroids (clobetasol), and reported that these meds helped kick start their bodies’ stem cells to replace damaged brain cells.

We have to ask, though, whether these drugs are really driving the stem cells to replace damaged neurons.  Or are they effective because they help treat an underlying fungal infection that is so commonly found in people with MS?

In those suffering from MS, the myelin sheath, or protective coating around many nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord has been destroyed. There is a growing body of research showing that fungal overgrowth might be at the heart of this damage. This could likely explain why this combination of meds was so effective.

As scientists continue to study this area, it is so awesome to see more and more research like this study showing the link between fungus and multiple sclerosis.

It really makes so much sense: treat the underlying silent infection and you will help treat the disease.


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Author Pam Bartha

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