By the grace of God and a great deal of work on my part, I have lived MS free for over 35 years now. In this post, I will share my journey, the steps I took to recover and what my life is like today.

My incredible journey began in 1988 when I was diagnosed with MS. I was just 28 years old.

I thought I was healthy. I was young, slim, active and rarely got a flu. I was a bit tired at times, but I thought that was normal as I had 2 children under the age of 3.

Then one sunny afternoon in a park with my family, I noticed a black spot in the center of my vision. I rubbed my eyes and the black spot wouldn’t go away.

The next day, that black spot was much larger and within a couple of days, I had lost all vision in my left eye. It was as if a black patch was over my left eye.

I saw an eye specialist who determined that I had optic neuritis and because it was such a severe case, he quickly referred me to the UBC Hospital MS Clinic in Vancouver, BC – one of the leading MS clinics in Canada.

At this clinic, I met with a neurologist who performed his standard tests and then diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis. He explained that they didn’t know what caused MS and that there was no cure.

It’s really sad that today, more than 35 years later we are still no closer to finding the cause or cure for multiple sclerosis or any other chronic disease.

The neurologist told me that I would become completely disabled in time and that some people become disabled more quickly, while others become disabled more slowly.

He warned me about snake oil cures and asserted that in his expert opinion, there was nothing that I could do to change the course of my health and life – in time I would become completely disabled.

I left his office devastated. I felt that my life was over.

It was a dark, rainy day and as my husband drove us home through mountains, I cried all the way home as the rain poured down my window.

All I could think about was how would I care for my two young children and what a burden I would be to my husband as he was still so young.

In addition to severe optic neuritis, I also suffered from debilitating fatigue, terrible headaches, insomnia and weakness and tingling in my legs.

I had to rest in bed and on the couch and was grateful that my mom stepped in to help as I could not care for myself or my two small children.

The only hope I had left was my faith and I begged God to help me. Because He had answered so many of my prayers in the past, I trusted Him and even though I was really scared, I had a sense that He would make good come from this horrible situation.

Shortly after my diagnosis, my mother-in-law gave me a book on integrative health.

This book opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities, a world that I did not know existed. It gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe there was something I could do to change the course of my life.

The book was written by a medical doctor who believed that multiple sclerosis and all chronic diseases were caused by chronic infections in the body and that the biggest population of these infections was in the gut. As he helped his patients treat these  infections effectively, the disease process would stop and his patients would enjoy a lot of recovery.

I decided to take this different path rather than follow the standard of care for MS, which offered me no hope. I decided to treat the root cause of MS – to treat infection.

Over the past 35 years, I focused on learning how to manage the microbes in my body while following a holistic approach. I have tried many safe integrative supplements and therapies. I first learned about Candida, then Lyme disease and then the impact of worms and protist parasites common in disease. All of this wisdom can be found in the scientific literature, but it is forgotten or suppressed.

My prayers were answered and by the grace of God, I have lived MS free for over 35 years. I had my third child who is now 28 years old, is married and has two beautiful daughters. I have 7 beautiful grandchildren. After the MS diagnosis, I went back to school and earned a BSc and became a certified teacher. I taught high school math and science in our local school district for 14 years.

Because I was able to get my health and life back, I wanted to help others do the same, so on evenings and weekends I would coach others. I also wrote and published my first book, Become a Wellness Champion.

I developed the Live Disease Free program and have had the amazing privilege of coaching thousands of Wellness Champions in the Live Disease Free Plan. Some of our students have recovered and been living disease free for 8 – 9 years. You can find some of their successes on our Live Disease Free website and on our Live Disease Free YouTube channel.

This is why I am so passionate to help you see that there is real hope for you. There is a cause of the disease that you’re living with and when you treat the parasites effectively, you can get your health and your life back.

I would like to help you move away from managing sickness and instead, creating health.

Your health and happiness are very important to our Live Disease Free team!


WATCH more Wellness Champion testimonies here.

There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections

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Author Pam Bartha

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