Our mainstream medical system insists that there is no known cause for multiple sclerosis (MS) or any other chronic disease. Yet, for over 100 years, researchers and doctors have shared strong evidence that challenges this idea. They believe that MS and other chronic diseases are caused by infections. Sadly, much of this research has been forgotten, possibly because treating infections is not as profitable as recommending lifelong treatments that suppress the immune system.

Important Disclaimer:
This presentation is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the necessary measures of a healthcare professional. It is not intended to cure, treat or mitigate any health condition or disease. Instead, it is designed to teach and empower you to play an active role in your healthcare so that you can reach your health goals.

The Battle Inside Your Body

From the moment you were born and until the moment you die, there is a battle being waged in your body between your immune system and disease-causing microbes, such as:

  • Worms (large and small)
  • Protozoa (single-celled parasites)
  • Fungi
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses

At the age of 28, my immune system started to lose that battle when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. But by the grace of God and a great deal of work and diligence on my part, I’ve won that battle for over 35 years and I’ve dedicated my life and career to helping others recover from chronic disease.

Pam Bartha’s Story

A Diagnosis That Changed Everything
In 1988, at just 28 years old, I was diagnosed with MS. I thought I was healthy: a young mom, slim, active, rarely sick. I ate right and had regular checkups. At times, I was tired but I thought that was normal with two children under the age of 3.

One sunny afternoon in the park with my family, I noticed a black spot in my vision. I rubbed my eye, but it didn’t go away. By the next day, the spot had grown larger and within three days, I had lost all vision in my left eye.

The eye specialist confirmed that I had optic neuritis and referred me to one of the best MS clinics in Canada. There, the neurologist performed tests and diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis. He told me:

  • Experts don’t know what causes MS.
  • There is no cure.
  • Disability was inevitable—some progress quickly, others more slowly.
  • There was nothing I could do to change the course of my health.

He warned me about “snake oil cures” and assured me, as an expert, that there was no hope for a cure.

I left his office devastated and in tears. How would I care for my young children? What a burden I would become to my husband. Along with severe optic neuritis, I also suffered from:

  • Terrible headaches and insomnia
  • Weakness and tingling in my legs
  • Debilitating fatigue that left me unable to care for my children or for myself.

Scared and desperate, I turned to God and begged Him for help. I had a strong faith and believed that He could bring good out of this terrible situation.

A New Hope
Shortly after my diagnosis, I received a book from my mother-in-law. It was written by a doctor who believed that chronic diseases, including MS, were caused by infections in the body, especially in the gut. He claimed that treating these infections would stop disease progression and allow recovery.

I decided to take this different path rather than follow the standard care for MS, which offered no hope. I have had a lot of success! Over the years:

  • I have lived free from MS for over 35 years,
  • I had my third child, who is married, has two daughters and a baby on the way,
  • I have 7 grandchildren and a new grandbaby coming in a few months,
  • I went back to school, earned a BSc, and became a teacher,
  • I have had the honor to coach thousands of Wellness Champions in the Live Disease Free Plan, helping them to recover from chronic disease.

The Foundation of Wellness and the Wellness Champions

I hope to inspire you to become a Wellness Champion.

Wellness Champions value wellness and making a difference in the lives of others. We build our health on the four pillars of wellness:

  1. Optimize nutrition
  2. Minimize silent infections
  3. Reduce toxins
  4. Build a healthy lifestyle.

We take responsibility for our health and as we recover from disease, we pay it forward by sharing this wisdom with others. Change will only come from a grassroots effort.

In this post, we’ll focus on Pillar #2: Minimize Silent Infections—the missing piece of the wellness puzzle.

The Ecosystem Inside Us

A Microbial Rainforest
Our body is home to trillions of microbes, especially in the gut, which cover the surface area of a double tennis court. We carry about 2-3 pounds of microbes in our digestive tract, with at least 10,000 species.

  • Good microbes: Digest food, make vitamins, defend against disease, impact gene expression and modulate your immune system.
  • Bad microbes: Parasites that rob our nutrients, produce toxins, and cause inflammation.

Our Job:

  1. Increase health-promoting microbes
  2. Decrease disease-causing microbes
  3. Strengthen our immune system.

Antibiotics and Microbial Balance

While antibiotics save lives, the overuse of antibiotics destroys health-promoting microbes, allowing parasites to thrive. Parasites feed on processed carbs and sugars, leading to dysbiosis (microbial imbalance).

Silent Infections

Silent Infections are chronic, slow-growing parasitic infections usually undetected by our healthcare professionals. They lead to a continual decline in our health.

Symptoms of Silent Infections

You may have silent infections if you:

  1. Used antibiotics in the past.
  2. Took cortisone or hormone therapies.
  3. Have strong cravings for sweets or carbs.
  4. Experience fatigue, brain fog or chronic diseases.
  5. Have digestive complaints, rashes or mood issues.

The Bad Guys: How Parasites Make us Sick

Many types of microbes can make us sick—worms, protozoa, fungi and bacteria. Let’s focus on Candida albicans, a common type of yeast, which is a type of fungus. Though harmless in small amounts, when it overgrows it can cause serious problems by producing toxins such as:

  • Ethanol: Causes brain fog, memory issues and a feeling of drunkenness—auto-brewery syndrome
  • Mycotoxins: Includes formaldehyde
  • Neurotoxins: Acetaldehyde the hangover chemical.

How Candida Affects the Body:

  • Leaky Gut: Damages the gut lining, which leads to food sensitivities (e.g., sensitivities to gluten and dairy)
  • Acidic Environment: Produces organic acids, depleting minerals and altering pH
  • Immune Suppression: Makes enzymes that destroy antibodies, increasing the risk of infection
  • Inflammatory Chemicals: Produce leukotrienes (linked to asthma) and prostaglandins (causing pain, migraines, cramps, and more).

Key Takeaway:

Inflammation is the immune system’s response to fight off these infections, but the damage it causes can lead to chronic disease.

The Impact on Children

Children are especially vulnerable to the toxins produced by infections like Candida, worms, protozoa and bacteria. They produce toxins, such as ammonia and morphine-like substances, which can harm children’ s mood, behavior and learning ability.

Shocking Statistics:

  • At least 50% of children have some type of chronic health condition
  • Experts warn that many parents may outlive their children due to these silent infections.

Silent Infections: A Hidden Epidemic

Silent infections cause widespread inflammation and immune dysfunction. Scientists have identified 17 ways in which these infections disrupt our health. The biggest cause of silent infections is the overuse of antibiotics.

Some Examples of Silent Infections

Candida Albicans 

Candida exists in the body in two forms:

  1. Round Yeast Cells: Harmless when present in small numbers.
  2. Hyphal Form: Invasive, creating root-like structures that penetrate tissues and enter the bloodstream, causing greater harm.

Click here to learn about the role of Candida in MS.


Candida and other microbes produce biofilms—protective layers that shield them from the immune system and treatments.

Parasitic Worms and MS: Dr. Alan MacDonald’s Research

Pathologist Dr. Alan MacDonald studied the spinal fluid and brain samples of MS patients and found:

This mirrors what veterinarians have known for over a century: parasitic worms can invade the central nervous system (CNS), causing symptoms like fatigue, numbness, poor balance and paralysis in animals—symptoms identical to MS in humans.

Tapeworms in MS Patients

Dr. MacDonald’s later research revealed tapeworm larvae in MS patients’ CNS , a groundbreaking discovery. 

When treated with antiparasitic drugs, many Wellness Champions have reported improved mobility, mental clarity, reduced pain and much more.

Lyme Disease and MS

Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, has been found in the central nervous system of MS patients. This bacteria belongs to the same family as syphilis, which in its later stages, causes neurosyphilis with symptoms like:

  • Severe headaches, seizures
  • Muscle weakness and/or trouble with muscle movements, spasticity, tremors
  • Trouble focusing, confusion, dementia, problems with memory, thinking and/or decision making
  • Depression or irritability
  • Changes in vision, blindness
  • Hearing loss, tinnitus
  • Loss of bladder control (incontinence)
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Numbness, paralysis.

These symptoms are also strikingly similar to those of MS, suggesting that the immune system may be fighting these infections rather than attacking healthy nerve cells.

Historical Evidence: MS and Spirochetes

From 1911 to the 1950s, researchers found spirochete bacteria in MS patients, including within their spinal fluid and brain lesions and found similarities to syphilis, a disease caused by spirochetes.

The MS Society has reported that people suffering from Lyme disease and MS can have similar symptoms and similar MRI and lumbar puncture test results. 

Studies showed that treating MS patients with antibiotics like minocycline and doxycycline often led to symptom improvement, especially early in the disease.

Click here to learn more about the role of Lyme in MS.

Malaria-Like Protists in MS

Protists like Babesia, which infect red blood cells, have also been linked to MS. Historically:

  • MS patients treated with antimalarial drugs (1920s–1930s) showed significant improvements.
  • In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, several doctors treated their MS patients with quinine and reported remarkable symptom improvements in those patients. 
  • Recent studies (2021) suggest the malaria drug, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), could reduce disability in PPMS patients.

The Hidden Threat of Large Worms

Large parasitic worms such as roundworms, tapeworms and flukes are common in those with neurological symptoms, including MS. They:

  • Create toxic environments with their waste,
  • Infect us with smaller parasites,
  • Deplete nutrients, weakening the body.

When these worms are treated and passed, patients experience dramatic improvements in energy, mood and mobility.

How to Recover from Silent Infections:

Recovery requires a strategic planthe Live Disease Free Plan – which addresses the cause of disease. 

The Proven Plan to Recover from Parasites that Cause MS

The Live Disease Free Plan

Step 1: The Diet

  • Low-carb (30-40g/day)
  • Rich in vegetables, moderate protein, healthy fats
  • Avoids sugar, grains, dairy, caffeine and alcohol.

Click here to learn more about the Live Disease Free Diet.

Step 2: Support the Body

  • Correct deficiencies
  • Support detox pathways
  • Optimize sleep and bowel movements
  • Remove toxins (mold, EMF).

Step 3: Treat Infections

  • Treat worms, fungi, protozoa, and bacteria step-by-step with antiparasitic drugs, herbs and therapies.

Step 4: Maintain Health

  • Treat parasites yearly
  • Build a healthy lifestyle and mindset.

Moving Forward

By treating infections, optimizing diet and supporting the body, we are creating health and no longer simply managing sickness. We are actually able to recover from MS or other chronic diseases because we are addressing the root cause. 

There are real solutions to recover from infections that cause chronic disease today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which is infection. First, identify the enemy (the infections), then support the body and treat the infections while following a holistic approach. When infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have infections



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