How Parasites Are Spread

how parasites are spread

It is so important to discuss how parasites are spread, because our medical practitioners are trained to believe that parasites are not an issue in developed countries. But in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Parasites are all around us. We can’t avoid them.

“Nematodes are the most abundant animal in the world – 4 out of every 5 animals are nematodes.”

The truth about parasites

Parasitic infestations are the biggest cause of all chronic disease, including multiple sclerosis.

Currently, our doctors do not receive adequate training in recognizing or treating parasitic infestations. This is a lost skill. To add to that, parasite tests are very poor. Most often our students receive false negative test results.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of parasites that can infect us in many ways. Here are six main ways parasites are spread:

1. Parasites in our food

Numerous parasites can be transmitted through food, including many single celled parasites and worms. Most common food-borne parasites are protozoa, roundworms and tapeworms.

Parasites can be spread by eating:

  • Undercooked meat and seafood
  • Sushi
  • Fruit and vegetables that are contaminated by human or animal feces (from improper handling and/ or fertilizers). Other composting materials used to grow produce contain bio-solids from wastewater treatment facilities, which is ultimately human waste.
  • Meals in restaurants can be contaminated by food service workers who practice poor hygiene or who work in unsanitary facilities.

2. Parasites in our water

Municipal water is usually treated with chlorine or ultraviolet light. Sometimes water treatment systems fail and the water is not safe to drink. Or, there can be a change in the water quality, like more organic matter and possible parasites such as cryptosporidium, giardia and others.

People can also become infected with parasites from swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, or the ocean. Parasites that live in the blood of waterfowl and in mammals that live near ponds and lakes can cause swimmer’s itch.

3. Parasites in our soil

It is possible to become infected with parasites by working in soil or walking barefoot in soil infected with worm eggs or larva. The main soil-transmitted worms that infect people are hookworms, roundworms and whipworms.

2. Parasites transmitted through animals

All pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, rodents, horses, etc. become infected with parasites.

They enjoy rolling in or eating contaminated dirt or decaying animals or animal waste, and drink contaminated water. We are exposed to their parasites as we interact with them, clean their feces or allow them to sleep with us.

Hookworms, whipworms, other roundworms and tapeworms are common parasites found in our pets. Each of them can transfer to humans.

Some worms can produce more than 100,000 eggs a day. When their eggs are passed through our pet’s feces into the environment, they can remain infective for years.

A recent report from Alberta, Canada discussed a certain tapeworm that is passed from coyotes to dogs and then to humans. It prefers to live in the liver and over time can cause tumors.

The protozoa that causes toxoplasmosis comes from cat feces. Cat scratch fever (caused by Bartonella) occurs in people when a cat licks an open wound, or bites or scratches hard enough to break the surface of the skin. It is particularly dangerous for pregnant women.

Birds and their droppings can carry over 60 diseases.

Sometimes these parasites can make us very sick, and other times we may not experience strong symptoms. Symptoms vary depending on the type of parasite and the level of infestation.

5. Parasites from insect bites

All biting insects such as ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, lice, horseflies etc. can carry parasites.

The parasite can enter the host through the saliva of the insect during a blood meal, or from the feces of the insect that defecates immediately after a blood meal.

Biting insects carry the coinfections associated with Lyme disease, including Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, and many others.

6. Parasites in blood

Parasites can spread to other people through exposure to an infected person’s blood through means like a blood transfusion or by sharing needles or syringes contaminated with blood.

How to reduce your chance of a parasitic infection:

  • Cook your meat completely.
  • Wash all cutting boards and knives thoroughly with hot soapy water after each use.
  • Wash and/or peel all fruits and vegetables before eating them.
  • Wear gloves when gardening.
  • Keep sandboxes covered.
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds after possible exposure.
  • Do not drink untreated water. Avoid swimming in contaminated waters.
  • Designate an area for pets to relieve themselves. Pick up your pet’s feces as soon as possible and dispose of it properly. Wash hands immediately after handling pet waste.
  • Do not allow your pets in your bed.
  • Deworm your pets regularly.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in regions where hookworm is common, including beaches and any area that may have been contaminated with human and animal waste.
  • Deworm yourself and your family at least once a year.

Learn more in my video below:

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Author Pam Bartha

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