How Parasites Are Treated

There is finally a growing interest in how parasites are treated. Although many Western practitioners do not believe parasites are a big concern, many people suffering with chronic disease understand the parasite connection.

People with a chronic disease often used antibiotics frequently in the past, they often have a history of digestive issues like gas, pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, and they usually suspect they were exposed to parasites at some point.

I wanted to share the most effective parasite treatments that have helped so many of our students in the Live Disease Free Academy.

IMPORTANT: I am in no way recommending that you should take any of these treatments that I will be sharing. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate any condition. When treating parasites, it’s very important to work with a qualified healthcare professional. There can be negative drug interactions with medications that you are currently taking and the parasite drugs. It’s important to take the right treatments at safe and effective doses, under the guidance of a health care professional.

The main parasite treatments available

Practitioners primarily use anti-parasitic herbs or pharmaceutical drugs to treat parasites. Common anti-parasitic herbal formulas include wormwood, black walnut and cloves. Mimosa pudica and neem are often recommended by practitioners also.

Herbs may be less toxic than pharmaceuticals but are also less effective at treating large parasites or parasites that move into the blood, organs and central nervous system.

In the Live Disease Free Academy, students play an active role in their health care, working with their practitioner to treat the parasitic infestation that is causing their chronic disease. Through this work, we have come to understand that the sicker a person is, the more infested they are with parasites.

Learning about parasites

Over 30 years ago, medically-trained doctors knew that fungal infections were present in chronic disease. In the past 10 years, we’ve come to learn that Lyme disease is often present, especially in those who suffer with neurological diseases.

Integrative practitioners have always acknowledged that parasites often need to be treated, but the vast majority of them had no idea the level of parasitic infestation that people with multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases are dealing with. This is mostly due to the fact that parasite tests were and still are very poor.

In the early years of our work, we too did not understand the level of parasitic infestation that is present in chronic disease. Our students in the Live Disease Free Academy used anti-microbial herbs to treat infections in previous years.

Dr. Alan MacDonald’s finding of small worms in the central nervous system (CNS) of 10 out of 10 patients that died of multiple sclerosis was profound. Veterinarians have known for almost 100 years that when these worms are present in the CNS of domestic animals they have symptoms identical to MS.

This led to us investigate which parasite drugs were used to treat these filarial worms. I was also studying under Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Yu at that time, who both had significant experience in treating parasites aggressively with anti-parasitic drugs.

The process to treat parasites

It is also very important to prepare the body before treating parasites, which greatly improves the success of treatment. Our students first implement the Live Disease Free eating plan, then learn how to support the body. As a result they notice significant symptom improvements even before they start treating parasites. This step cannot be overlooked.

From there, based on their diagnosis, health history, symptoms and energy testing their practitioner will establish a protocol for treatment.

Students usually test well for 3-5 anti-parasitic drugs and 1-3 anti-fungal drugs depending on the parasites they’re dealing with. Students who have MS do not all test well for the same parasite drugs. There are a few treatments that often test well, but again the treatment plan must be individualized to the person.

How parasites are treated

Students regularly test well for the some (not all) of the following parasite medications:

  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
  • Ivermectin
  • Alinia
  • Pyrantel Pamoate
  • Praziquantel
  • Levamisole
  • Thiabendazole

The fungal medications that usually test well are fluconazole, itraconazole and/or nystatin capsules. Again, our students are under the guidance of their doctors while taking any prescription drug or medication.

With the accepted safe doses the doctors prescribe, the parasite drugs on their own are often not effective enough to completely eradicate the parasite infections present in people with chronic disease. Our students have the most success in layering therapies. They will use parasite drug treatments that test well for them, and add oxidizing or oxygen therapies and herbs.

When the prep phase is followed successfully and the students are using the right treatments at effective doses and layering therapies, the recovery that significantly disabled people are having is truly miraculous. Students who have had multiple sclerosis for about 30 years and have not walked for about 15 years are starting to stand and use walkers after 8-10 treatment cycles. We’re also seeing recoveries in our students with PLS, another in curable disease.

Learn more about how parasites are treated

This is a very exciting time for people who suffer with debilitating chronic disease, because we do know the cause and treatments are available. Please watch my video below to learn more:

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Author Pam Bartha

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