In the 1950s, our standard of health care moved away from the belief that infections cause disease and instead towards the theory of autoimmunity, in which the immune system attacks tissue for some unknown reason. This shift has prevented us from curing disease.

For decades, it’s been understood that the immune system defends the body from disease-causing microbes and toxins, and that this complex system will learn from the first contact and respond more quickly with subsequent exposures. Thus, a person can build immunity to an infectious disease that he or she previously encountered. This was already understood as far back as 430 BC when a plague hit Athens and the people who survived this plague didn’t get it again.


Germ theory

Various germ theories were proposed hundreds of years before 1850.

Joseph Lister (physiologist and surgeon), Robert Koch (physician and scientist) and Louis Pasteur (chemist) were early leaders in the history of the germ theory which states that specific microscopic organisms cause specific diseases.

In the 1860s, Lister invented antiseptic surgical techniques which dramatically reduced infection mortality rate.[i]

From the 1860s – 1880s Pasteur was credited for the germ theory of disease where microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” could cause disease. He also invented the process of pasteurization to kill microbes via heat and developed the first laboratory vaccines for chicken cholera, anthrax and rabies.

In the 1880s, Robert Koch proved that anthrax, cholera, and tuberculosis were caused by specific germs that could be passed from one body to another.

The spirochete that causes syphilis was discovered in 1906 by Schaudinn and Hoffman.[ii]

In 1910, the physician Paul Ehrlich developed a drug to treat syphilis which was the first drug developed to treat a specific disease. His interest in finding targeted drugs dates back to the 1890s when he observed that synthetic dyes could selectively stain certain pathogens but not the patient’s cells. He studied methylene blue as a treatment for malaria.

In the early 1900s, he studied the effectiveness of a red dye to treat the parasite that causes African sleeping sickness. He then considered an arsenic compound that had been tested against this parasite.

During this research, Ehrlich maintained strong ties to the leaders of the new Rockefeller Institute.

Ehrlich believed that an immune reaction aimed at “self” could result in the development of antibodies that would be harmful to the individual. He coined the term “horror autotoxicus” for autoimmunity and stressed how the immune system distinguishes foreign invaders from self. He suggested that pathogens could connect to receptors on cells which might falsely appear as the immune system attacking self.


MS and malaria

In 1897, Spiller reported that a case of malaria showed symptoms of disseminated sclerosis, which is similar to MS, mostly affecting one side of the body. He recognized how similar this malaria case was to a case of multiple sclerosis.

In 1899, Mannaberg was likely the first to believe that MS could be caused by an infection of malarial parasites. He believed that the symptoms that resemble MS play a major role in malaria.

In 1900, Spiller published a paper discussing a case study of a patient who suffered eight years with multiple sclerosis, had no history of malaria and had never shown any malarial attacks. The malaria diagnosis was discovered only after his death.

In 1904, Muller thought that malaria and MS were caused by blockages of small blood vessels in the brain by parasitized red blood cells. He recommended quinine as a useful remedy in all cases of MS, especially when vertigo was a major symptom.

Textbooks written in 1936 and 1963 both described chronic malarial infections that caused neurological symptoms. These symptoms resembled multiple sclerosis where the patient did not get a fever and the malaria parasites were very difficult, if not impossible to detect.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the research linking MS to Malaria.

The introduction of autoimmunity

In 1938, William Dameshek and Steven studied 3 cases of acute hemolytic anemia that were thought to involve autoimmunity.[iii]

In the late 1950s, Dr. Kunkel introduced the concept of autoimmunity in rheumatoid arthritis, although he was not able to convince his peers about the existence of autoantibodies and if they did exist, of their significance in disease. He also identified several autoantibodies and autoimmune complexes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).[iv]

The studies on chronic thyroiditis and clinical laboratory breakthroughs led to the acceptance of autoimmune disease in the 1950s.[v]

The Rockefeller University has been very supportive of promoting autoimmunity.

Today there are more than 100 autoimmune diseases.[vi] The cause of each autoimmune disease is unknown and there is no cure for each of these diseases. A person can suffer from several autoimmune diseases at one time. For example, several case reports and larger studies have reported that MS patients can also suffer from thyroid diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, myasthenia gravis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.[vii]

To this day, autoimmunity is a widely accepted theory. The concept of autoimmunity has never been proven to be a fact.



Autoantibodies are defined as antibodies that mistakenly react with a person’s own tissues or organs. They are thought to be produced when a person has an autoimmune disease and their immune system is not able to distinguish between “self” from  “non-self.”

Autoantibodies are present in both autoimmune disease and cancer, but also in healthy individuals.[viii]

Rheumatoid factor can be detected in the serum of patients with chronic bacterial endocarditis and other chronic infections, as well as in the serum of patients with lupus and also in individuals without disease, especially in the elderly.[ix]

The role of autoantibodies in the disease process of systemic sclerosis remains possible but has not yet been proven.[x]

In MS, an autoantigen (a self-protein) target has not been identified, so it has not been proven that MS is an autoimmune disease.[xi]


MS is an infectious disease

For over 100 years, MS has been linked to a spirochete bacteria and a malaria / Babesia protist parasite.

More recently, pathologist Dr. Alan Macdonald discovered filarial roundworms, tapeworm larva, developing tape worms and Borrelia in the central nervous system of MS subjects.

Parasites are always present in autoimmune disease and as the parasites are treated effectively, people recover from the disease and the immune system does not attack its “self.”

For hundreds of years, it was accepted that infections caused disease. The theory of autoimmunity has been promoted now for over 60 years, which has resulted in a multi-trillion dollar centralized healthcare industry where disease is managed and not cured. This has resulted in great hardship, premature death and an unsustainable healthcare system.

But there is hope! There is a proven plan to take back your health and life. Wellness Champions have been following this plan for years and recovering from chronic diseases by treating the parasites that cause disease while following a holistic approach.

Wellness Champion Updates

Student #1

“My gait is improving! I am following the prep phase of the Live Disease Free plan and I can lift my right leg and bend my knee a bit more than halfway to make a right angle with my leg!  My drop foot has improved also. Balance and stability have improved. I can stand, lean way back and not feel like I’m going to lose balance and fall! My brain feels clearer than ever.”

Student #2

“I wanted to let you know I was experiencing muscle cramps for the last couple of months before I joined the Live Disease Free plan. Usually at 3am. I have started taking a mineral supplement. It’s helping!

I’m so ready to start treating. This past week was a really good one. I didn’t use my cane once! That’s incredible!”

WATCH more Wellness Champion testimonies here.

There are real solutions to recover from parasites today!

To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease.

If you’re frustrated with the fact that our standard of care STILL doesn’t offer a real solution for treating MS and other diseases, then click on the link below to watch Pam Bartha’s free masterclass training and discover REAL solutions that have allowed Pam and many others to live free from MS and other diseases.

CLICK Here to watch Pam’s masterclass training

Or take the Health Blocker Quiz to see if you could have parasite infections














Nobel Foundation

Paul Ehrlich Institute


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Author Pam Bartha

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