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“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

Mental Decline and Leaky Gut Syndrome Linked to Elevated A.G.E.s

AGE’s (proteins that are bound to sugar when blood sugar is elevated) have been found to damage important connections in the gut wall, allowing troublesome molecules to pass into the blood stream that would normally be kept out. This weakening of the gut lining or “leaky gut” leads to such symptoms as bloating, cramping, gas,

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Vitamin D: Am I Getting Enough?

    The health benefits of Vitamin D have been predominant in the mainstream press as of late, but many people are left wondering, how can I get enough and what are the risks of not doing so? Check out this informative article and video by Dr. Mercola in which he discusses the risks of not getting

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Are Your Teens’ Electronics Damaging Their Sleep?

In a recent study published in BMJ, researchers in Norway studied the time spent using electronic devices and the sleeping patterns of 9846 adolescents between the ages of 16 and 19. In the study, they looked at how both daytime screen use and the use of electronic devices before bedtime impacted their sleep. They discovered

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Dr. Perlmutter Reveals Ways to Promote Brain Health

More and more, research is showing that what you eat affects your brain health and influences it’s day-to-day ability to function. Gluten, carbohydrates and sugar can have a devastating effect on brain health, as Dr. David Perlmutter discusses in this interview on Fox and Friends- Fox News Channel. A definite must-watch!  

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At What Cost Are You Eating Chocolate?

In 2010, the BBC aired a documentary titled, The Dark Side of Chocolate, which revealed how child slavery was being used in the harvesting of cocoa beans- beans that were used to produce many top name brand chocolate bars and treats on our supermarket shelves. This devastating fact remains true today and should not be forgotten when we are contemplating buying that

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Give the Gift of Health and Wellness This Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day, in all of its romantic grandeur, is unfortunately another holiday filled with sweets that are kind in theory, yet often detrimental to your loved one’s health in reality. This year, why not give a gift that makes your special someone feel good both inside and out? With the holiday quickly approaching, it is

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Milk Consumption Linked to Inflammation

  Drinking Large Amounts of Milk Might Actually Increase Your Mortality and Risk of Fractures How many times have you heard that drinking milk is vital to maintaining good bone health and preventing fractures, especially in women? I can still hear my mom’s voice saying, “be sure to drink lots of milk so you won’t

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Harmful Gut Microbes Can Cause Unhealthy Food Cravings

We all know that gut flora is vital to attaining and maintaining good health. However, certain microbes, when allowed to flourish in a not so diverse environment, can negatively impact your health and ability to maintain a healthy weight. A recent scientific journal published in BioEssays suggests that certain harmful microbes in your gut can cause

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The Connection Between Disease, Inflammation and Gut Flora

More and more often, scientific research is revealing how important gut flora is in maintaining and improving our health. When the gut’s microbial environment becomes less diversified, troublesome microbes flourish, creating inflammation that can lead to disease. Respected doctors like Dr. David Perlmutter are really on track with this new research. His work confirms that

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Treatment Versus Prevention

  How Our Current Healthcare System is Working Against Us A friend shared with me that her teenage son is dealing with some very serious health challenges. I could tell in her voice that this has taken a real toll on her family. I began to share some ideas that I thought might really help

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Link Discovered Between Restless Leg Syndrome and Inflammation

Inflammation is present with most health conditions. Hero doctors are really beginning to understand that chronic silent infections in the body are the root cause of inflammation. We are now beginning to see that inflammation is also associated with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), indicating that a chronic silent infection could be a possible cause. Check out insightful

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Author Pam Bartha

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