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“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

How Parasites Reduce Circulation in MS

Parasites can infect our blood vessels and cause inflammation which can result in narrowing of the vessels, reduced circulation, swelling, edema, pain, stiffness, difficulty walking and much more. In 2008, Dr. Zamboni created the term Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) to describe a condition where the veins in the head and neck of MS patients

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Treating Parasites with Oxygen Therapies

In this post, I will discuss common oxygen therapies and share which one I believe is the most economical and effective one for treating parasites. This training is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the necessary measures of a healthcare professional. Oxidizing agents can be very corrosive and cause tissue damage

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Treating Parasites Case Study #2 – Recovering from PLS

Many of our students suffered from MS before starting the Live Disease Free program and the question often arises, “If I don’t have MS, could it be that I have a lot of parasites? Could parasites be causing my symptoms?” In this post, Pam shares an overview of the experience and insights of one of

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Treating Parasites Case Study #1

This post shares the experiences and insights of one of our students who is treating parasites in her recovery from multiple sclerosis – how the parasites are being treated, pictures of parasites that she passed and the truly amazing symptom improvements that she felt following treatment are also discussed. The following information is solely for

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[MS Research] Multiple Sclerosis and Malarial Parasites Part 3

There are insightful connections between the distribution of MS and malaria in many countries. It is also fascinating how MS patients have experienced symptom improvements when prescribed malaria drugs. This post discusses this forgotten research and how it may help in the treatment of MS. In Part 1 of this series, I reviewed a 2021

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[MS Research] Multiple Sclerosis and Malarial Parasites Part 2

Most of us diagnosed with MS wouldn’t consider that we could have a chronic silent malarial infection because we haven’t travelled to a tropical country that has malaria. Nevertheless, over 100 years of compelling scientific evidence links malarial infections to MS. This research shows that for some and possibly many MS patients, a malarial infection

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MS News: Malaria Drug May be a Promising Treatment for PPMS

  Is multiple sclerosis caused by a malaria-like parasite? A recent study found that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) significantly slowed down the progression of disability in people with primary progressive MS (PPMS). This post will discuss: What protists are and how they infect us Highlights of this study Provide compelling evidence linking MS and

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Multiple Sclerosis and the Parasite Babesia

     There are Real Solutions for MS Today! To restore health, we must focus on treating the cause of inflammation, which are parasites. First, identify the enemy (parasites), then support the body and treat the parasites while following a holistic approach. When parasitic infections are treated effectively, we can overcome inflammation or disease. If

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Is Multiple Sclerosis Inherited / a Genetic Disease?

  People diagnosed with multiple sclerosis often wonder if it could be inherited. Clarity on this topic is so important because it helps us to know if it is even possible to recover from MS. In this post I will discuss and simplify the science about MS and genetics and share how the science confirms

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Why Won’t My MS Doctor Treat Parasites?

  Even though there is overwhelming scientific evidence that MS is an infectious disease caused by parasites, most doctors don’t believe parasites can cause multiple sclerosis and don’t believe that we could have parasites. They also lack the skills to recognize the symptoms of parasites and to treat them. This becomes a huge challenge for

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How Biotoxins Can Trigger Disease

  How Biotoxins Can Trigger Disease Parasites not only cause inflammation as our immune system defends our body, but the biotoxins they produce can also have a major impact on our metabolism – how our body runs or operates. Chronic inflammation and abnormal metabolism caused by parasites and their toxins can exist in our bodies

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How Parasites Cause Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction

Science has shown that there are many ways in which parasites cause inflammation and immune dysfunction in our body. This explains how parasites can cause disease without causing an acute infection and when parasites are treated effectively, both inflammation and immune dysfunction subside. In this post, I share just a few ways in which parasites

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Inflammation: The Cause of MS Symptoms

  Story at a glance All diseases are inflammatory conditions. Inflammation occurs when our tissues become injured from either an accident or from infections (parasites) and the toxins they produce. Inflammation is the war zone between the parasites and our immune system. As parasites are treated effectively, inflammation stops and so does disease. Is it

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How Pam and Others Are Successfully Treating Parasites That Cause MS

  Story at a glance Parasites cause disease. The sicker we are, the more infested we are with parasites. Treating a parasitic infestation requires strategy. There are specific steps that Wellness Champions are taking to successfully treat parasites that cause chronic diseases like MS.  About Pam and the Live Disease Free Approach I was

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Author Pam Bartha

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