
Live Your Best Life!

“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)
health and wellness mentor, coach and champion salmon, asparagus and leek in parchment

Salmon, Asparagus, and Leek in Parchment

Cooking fresh salmon en papillote (that is, in parchment) is a mess-proof way to coax the most flavour from the fish without adding a lot of oil or butter — and it’s pretty much impossible to dry the salmon out with this cooking method. This recipe and photo is from Martha Stewart’s Better Basics: 10 New

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion demystify the myster of supplements

Demystify the mystery of supplements

Nutrition is the foundation for wellness – and nutrition from our food provides the fuel to build healthy cells and a healthy body. Unfortunately, most of our food produced today is significantly lower in nutrition than ever before, and even when we focus on eating healthy, many of us suffer from nutritional deficiencies. While supplements

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion parasites and the immune system

How parasites hijack our immune system

It is becoming obvious that silent chronic infections in the body are the biggest cause of disease. To successfully recover from disease, it is vital that we better understand which microorganisms cause disease symptoms, how they bypass our natural defenses and infect us, where they like to live in the body, and how they cause

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion take back your health

My grocery shopping strategies

For anyone suffering with chronic disease, correcting nutritional deficiencies is the essential first step in recovery. Nutrition from our food provides the fuel to make healthy cells and a healthy body, and it is scientifically proven that nutritional deficiencies cause disease. Although we live in the land of plenty, more of us suffer with nutritional deficiencies

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion taco lettuce wraps

Taco Lettuce Wraps

Taco lettuce wraps are a healthy and delicious alternative to hardshell tacos, and very easy to make! Ingredients: 1 1/2 tsp avocado oil 1/3 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup chopped red bell pepper 1 lb lean ground beef or turkey 1 tsp kosher salt 1/2 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp chili powder (omit

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion choosing an eating plan

How to choose the right eating plan for you

With so many eating plans out there, it can be daunting to try to figure out which one is best for you – which one will help you recover from chronic disease and live your best life. Whole 30, vegan, vegetarian, keto, high-fat, low-fat…the list goes on! Food is a hot topic right now, and

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion healthy food shopping

Is the healthy food you buy actually healthy?

We are all trying to make better food choices by purchasing organic and natural products whenever possible. There are so many more healthy options available to us now, however not all products are created equal, and learning how to read an entire label is a skill everyone should learn. Even food products labelled as “organic”

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Add a Little Spring to Your Palate

The arrival of spring often infuses us with a renewed sense of hope and energy, a desire to start things anew and improve our overall health. Why not make healthy eating choices that support this positive momentum? Here is a fresh and healthy recipe that will brighten up your lunch or dinner table, boost your energy and support optimal

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion take back your health and life

What to Eat

With so many eating plans out there, it can be hard to know how to choose the best one to help you recover from MS or other chronic disease. You know that diet is important, but you’re just not sure where to start. I follow the Live Disease Free Eating Plan that I picked as

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion are root canals necessary

Are Root Canals Necessary?

A root canal is a common procedure, recommended when the soft tissue inside the tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth or a crack or chip in the tooth. If the inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion easter dinner

Healthy Meal Ideas for the Holiday Weekend

Whether you’re hosting friends or family this holiday weekend, or attending a holiday meal as a guest I wanted to share some delicious meal ideas that won’t set your health back. Here are some recipe ideas to go along with an oven roasted turkey: • Oven roasted carrots with thyme • Lemon ginger broccoli •

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion ms and viruses

Multiple Sclerosis and Viruses

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus 6 are two viruses that have received a lot of research attention as being possible causes of multiple sclerosis. However, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “To date, researchers have not been able to identify a single virus as the trigger for MS.” – Could viruses be involved

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion ms and lyme disease

Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme Disease

It is becoming increasingly evident that the bacteria associated with Lyme disease is also a major cause of multiple sclerosis symptoms. Lyme disease is an infection caused by various bacteria including Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and others, that are transmitted through biting insects, and can cause debilitating illness. In this blog post, the research is

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion ms and fungal overgrowth

Multiple Sclerosis and Fungal Overgrowth

At least 30-40 years ago, several medically-trained health care professionals understood that fungal overgrowth played a significant role in causing multiple sclerosis. Dr. William Crook, Dr. C. Orian Truss, Dr. Luc De Schepper and Dr. Zoltan P. Rona are four doctors that taught me that MS is caused by infection, and that fungal overgrowth is a major cause of multiple sclerosis

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health and wellness mentor, coach and champion ms and parasites

Multiple Sclerosis and Parasites

There is growing evidence that MS is an infectious disease, and when we suffer with neurological symptoms of MS (or other neurological diseases) research is showing that most often several microbes are responsible for our symptoms – directly or indirectly. These microbes can include fungus, vector borne infections (Lyme disease), parasites and possibly viruses. In

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Chronic Stress Linked to Inflammation

Stress carries an emotional toll, but as many people know, it can also be very damaging to your health. Chronic stress, in particular, has been linked to anxiety, depression, heart disease, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, memory and concentration impairment, and weight gain. Now, a recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience gives us a better understanding of why chronic

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Protect Yourself By Reducing Your EMF Exposure

Cell and cordless phones, computers, tablets, TVs, gaming systems, smart meters, baby monitors… These are just a few of the many technologies that make our lives easier and often more enjoyable. Unfortunately for us, we are constantly being bombarded by the harmful Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation that they emit. EMF exposure has been linked to neurological and behavioral changes, an inability to

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Chief Medical Officer Studying Glyphosate Put On Leave

In December of last year, CBC news reported that Dr. Elish Cleary, the Chief Medical Officer of Health of New Brunswick, Canada, was forced to go on leave in the middle of her study of glyphosate, a controversial yet commonly used herbicide that is found in Round-Up and many other weed-killers. Dr. Cleary claimed that this

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Author Pam Bartha

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