
Live Your Best Life!

“You Can Learn How to Restore Your Health NOW!”
— Pam Bartha (Founder of Live Disease Free who has been Multiple Sclerosis Free Since 1989!)

The Link Between COVID-19 and Parasites

There is a growing interest in the scientific community and with practitioners about the connection between parasites and COVID-19 and how parasites may influence the course of COVID-19 infections. There are two aspects of parasites and COVID-19 that must be addressed. First, how the parasites that live in the body affect how sick a person

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Case Study #3 Recovering from MS by Treating Parasites

It’s heartbreaking that so many people spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on their health and they’re still sick. They have tried everything to get well, except treating parasites. Parasites cause disease and the only way to recover from disease is to treat them effectively. The following case study shares the journey

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Live Disease Free Q&A

In the video below, Pam Bartha answers your questions about supplements, diet, treating parasites and other health topics related to recovering from MS and other diseases. She also shares some amazing current successes of Wellness Champions who are following the Live Disease Free Plan. There are real solutions to recover from parasites today! To restore

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Enemas for Treating Parasites

Anyone suffering from ongoing illness, autoimmune disease, heart disease or cancer has a parasitic infestation. Parasites are the biggest cause of disease and they are challenging to treat. Enemas on their own will not effectively treat a parasitic infestation, but the right type of enema plays a crucial role in an effective parasite treatment plan.

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Does Antibiotic Therapy Help MS?

The National MS Society suggests that MS and Lyme Disease share much in common – especially when it comes to symptoms and testing positive through MRI and lumbar punctures. Yet they claim that the big difference between Lyme disease and MS is that MS patients don’t respond to antibiotic therapy, whereas Lyme patients often do

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Treating Parasites Case Study #2 – Recovering from PLS

Many of our students suffered from MS before starting the Live Disease Free program and the question often arises, “If I don’t have MS, could it be that I have a lot of parasites? Could parasites be causing my symptoms?” In this post, Pam shares an overview of the experience and insights of one of

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[MS Research] Multiple Sclerosis and Malarial Parasites Part 3

There are insightful connections between the distribution of MS and malaria in many countries. It is also fascinating how MS patients have experienced symptom improvements when prescribed malaria drugs. This post discusses this forgotten research and how it may help in the treatment of MS. In Part 1 of this series, I reviewed a 2021

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[MS Research] Multiple Sclerosis and Malarial Parasites Part 2

Most of us diagnosed with MS wouldn’t consider that we could have a chronic silent malarial infection because we haven’t travelled to a tropical country that has malaria. Nevertheless, over 100 years of compelling scientific evidence links malarial infections to MS. This research shows that for some and possibly many MS patients, a malarial infection

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Lisa Has Been Living MS Free For 6 Years Now

  Lisa was diagnosed with MS at the age of 28. As a medically trained health care professional, she thought MS drugs would be the answer. She used them for 5 years, but her health continued to get worse. One night, she desperately cried out to God for healing. The very next day, she found

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Bacterial Neurotoxins Discovered in MS Patients

Story at a Glance A group of US researchers have found high levels of three bacterial neurotoxins in the spinal fluid and plasma of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, but not in healthy people. This study published in the journal, Brain, helps us better understand how bacteria in the gut can impact neurological diseases as they

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Paleo Diet: Will it Help?

  The Paleo diet is a popular diet with many groups and celebrities, but will it help people who have MS? This post will discuss the Paleo diet – what it is, the guidelines and the benefits to those with MS who follow this diet. Story at a glance The benefits of the Paleo diet

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Parasites and Multiple Sclerosis: What’s The Connection?

Researchers and physicians have observed an increase in autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), over the last several decades. In fact, MS is the most common non-traumatic cause of neurological disability in young adults in developed countries. As the cause of MS is still unknown and there is no cure, an emerging body of evidence

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Lyme Disease - Bacterial Infection | Live Disease Free

Comparing Lyme Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

The overlap of symptoms between these two diseases has complicated physician’s process for diagnosing either one. Not only do they share many symptoms, they may also appear similar during an MRI brain scan. This has led to some discussion in the scientific community as to whether or not Lyme disease and Multiple Sclerosis should be looked

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Author Pam Bartha

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